If you are deep in debt, a discharging debt lawyer Waterbury, CT residents trust may be able to help. Filing for bankruptcy may be the last thing you want to do, but sometimes it’s necessary. Here are several signs you should file for bankruptcy.
You’re Having Difficulty Making Your Minimum Payments
It’s useful to have credit cards because they help build your credit score and can give you reward points. However, if your credit card balances are very high and you struggle to make the minimum payments each month, you’re headed for trouble. If you can’t pay off your credit card balances in a short amount of time, the interest will just keep adding up. You’ll have trouble paying off your entire balance.
Your Creditors Are Calling You All the Time
If you’re behind on your bills, you can expect your creditors to call you every day, demanding their money. When you’re dealing with that on top of your mounting bills, it can be very stressful. In this situation, it’s best to call a discharging debt lawyer in Waterbury, CT. If you file for bankruptcy, your creditors won’t be allowed to contact you anymore.
You’ve Spent All Your Savings
It’s important for everyone to have some type of savings. This way, if you lose your job, you can pay all of your bills until you find another job. However, if you have drained all your savings to pay your debt, you may be headed for financial difficulties. It may be in your best interest to file for bankruptcy so that your unsecured debts get discharged. If you no longer have any debt to worry about, you can free up your income and save for the future.
You’ve Lost Your Job
Losing your job can be financially devastating. If you recently lost your position and don’t have any other prospects lined up, you may want to consider filing for bankruptcy. Instead of worrying about coming up with money to pay your debt, you can concentrate on your mortgage, utilities and other important bills.
You’re Facing Foreclosure
If you’ve missed several mortgage payments, your lender may be threatening to foreclosure your home. If you’re in this situation, it may be time to file for bankruptcy. By filing for bankruptcy, you may be able to keep your home.
You’re Dealing With Excessive Stress
If your mounting debt is causing you so much stress that you lose sleep at night or struggle to focus on your daily tasks, consult a bankruptcy lawyer in Waterbury, CT. Too much stress can negatively impact your health after a while. Once you discharge your debts, you will feel free.
Schedule a consultation with a discharging debt lawyer in Waterbury, CT at the Law Offices of Ronald I. Chorches today.